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Table 3 A representation of the theme development ‘financial hardship outcomes’

From: Indigenous Australian gambling crime and possible interventions: a qualitative study

Major Theme (parent)

Financial hardship outcomes

Sub-themes (children)

Loss of funds

Unable to repay debts

Cycle of gambling dependency


Coded extracts & phrases (grand-children)

Gambling to make money;

Ask family for help;

Some cannot gamble in moderation;

Desperation leads to some crime;


Take a punt on a risk … might win;

Depend on reciprocation;

Develop a dependence;

Gambling-related fraud;


Gamble all pay in one go;

Go to payday lenders;

As severe as substance abuse;



Cannot pay bills;

Obvious to emergency relief services.

Demand sharing;

Gambling- related violence;


Increasingly difficult circumstances.


Trapped in a cycle of hopelessness and despair.

Crime by kids.

  1. Source: adapted from Creswell (2007:153–4).
  2. Note. There were many sub-themes making up the major theme ‘Financial hardship outcomes’ of which ‘crime’ was just one.