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Table 2 Multi-model correlations between risk and protective factors for unhealthy gambling behaviour

From: Adolescent gambling behaviour, a single latent construct and indicators of risk: findings from a national survey of New Zealand high school students

Item/variable associated with increased risk of unhealthy gambling

Model 1

Estimate (Standard error)*

Model 2

Estimate (Standard error)*



Age (younger vs. older)

−0.092 (0.065)

Sex (male vs. female)

0.580 (0.187)*

Māori (vs. European)

0.227 (0.177)

Pacific (vs. European)

0.736 (0.282)*

Asian (vs. European)

0.535 (0.288)

Living in neighbourhood with higher levels of deprivation (vs. lower levels of deprivation)

0.044 (0.032)

Risk factors


Usually earns $100 or more per week

0.387 (0.111)*

0.322 (0.150)*

Gamble because


 My friends gamble

1.436 (0.122)*

1.130 (0.231)*

 My family gamble

1.53 (0.13)*

1.161 (0.237)*

Have gambled on



1.102 (0.133)*

0.402 (0.296)

 Pub/club EGMs

0.972 (0.118)*

0.199 (0.269)

 Casino (EGMs or tables)

1.514 (0.158)*

0.939 (0.339)*


1.32 (0.114)*

0.864 (0.256)*


1.637 (0.18)*

0.548 (0.474)

Satisfied depression criteria

0.496 (0.128)*

0.261 (0.266)

Drinks alcohol on a weekly basis

0.649 (0.078)*

0.246 (0.175)

Protective factors


Connectedness to family

−0.245 (0.052)*

0.068 (0.103)

Connectedness to friends

−0.33 (0.038)*

−0.053 (0.103)

Connectedness to school

−0.412 (0.077)*

−0.326 (0.137)*

  1. * Item/variable significant at p ≤ 0.01
  2. Adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity and neighbourhood socio-economic deprivation (NZDep2006)